Alle Rhein! – with Nils Müller from the Ruttkowski Gallery;68
The podcast with Mike Litt
"I do believe that I am passionate about everything I do and celebrate."
Cologne, Paris, Düsseldorf and New York - this is the order in which Nils Müller has opened his galleries around the world since 2010. The first was a leap into ice-cold water, a gut decision that says a lot about him and his approach. His friend and landlord, so to speak, DJ Sven Ruttkowski, died while he was DJing in a club in Braunschweig. Nils Müller took over the property for rent and named the gallery after his friend: Ruttkowski;68. No art studies had prepared him for this. He mainly exhibited friends and companions with roots in graffiti and subculture. His unerring instinct for the combination of zeitgeist and credibility have made him one of the most renowned gallery owners on the art market. Our podcast host Mike Litt met Nils Müller at his gallery on Düsseldorf's Grabbeplatz on the occasion of Art Düsseldorf and interviewed him for "Alle Rhein!".

Episode 44 with Nils Müller
Our podcast "Alle Rhein!" is our platform for everyone who makes sure that you are almost constantly surrounded by culture in Düsseldorf - whether on a small or large scale. Our host Mike Litt talks to his guests about the most exciting projects and finds out what artists, event organizers and other creatives love about their city and where they like to be in their private lives. In episode 44, Mike talks to gallery owner Nils Müller.
Our host

Mike Litt was born in the US state of Virginia and lived in Bochum for many years. The globetrotter usually works in Cologne but lives with his family in the beautiful Düsseltal district of Düsseldorf. He is a radio presenter (1Live, WDR 2, DLF Nova), a DJ with Mayday festival experience and an author (‘The loneliest DJ in the world’). For our podcast, he holds fascinating conversations with other people from Düsseldorf’s cultural scene.
Portrait of Mike Litt: [email protected]
Music / sound: Christian Moster / Mike Litt / Marc Gottschalk
Photos at Ruttkowski'68: Kenny Tran