Six shopping alternatives

Six shopping alternatives

We show you how you can support stores and delivery services from the region.

You like to have goods and groceries delivered to your home? Why not, it's convenient, saves time and reduces contacts - which is absolutely recommendable in times of Corona. But how about relying on local providers instead of global players?

Carlsplatz Delivery Service

May we introduce: CARL, your smart shopping assistant from Carlsplatz. You can call him or reach him via WhatsApp and e-mail. Tell CARL what you want, and he'll visit your favorite stands and bring you the well-known quality and freshness of Carlsplatz to your home.

Unpacked Rethel Street

Anyone who has ever shopped in an unpackaged store knows the system: bring your own container, fill it with goods and go to the checkout to be weighed. A delivery service seems impractical here? No way! Eva and Björn from Unverpackt on Rethelstraße will fill your loose products into deposit jars on request and transport them to your door on a cargo bike. 


Buy what your heart desires. And preferably where your heart beats - in your city. Shoptimist is a search engine that helps you browse through the offers of (currently) 440 Düsseldorf retailers. Simply enter the product you want and find out where you can get it in your area.


Feinisa - that stands for delicatessen á la Isa Tebrügge. And in organic quality. The assortment in her store in Pempelfort includes products that Isa herself likes. There is cheese, wine, vinegar & oil and various antipasti as well as bread, dairy products and also vegetables and fruit. Isa attaches great importance to freshness, ecological cultivation and regionality. If you wish, you can have the delicacies delivered to your home in a package.     

My wholesale market

Where fruit and vegetables are normally packed for supermarkets, restaurants and other large customers, there is now also an offer for private households. At Mein Großmarkt, you can order crisp, fresh vitamins in the form of a 5 kg vegetable or fruit box to take home.

Eco box Lammertzhof

The Lammertzhof is a farm just outside Düsseldorf that has been dedicated to organic farming for over 30 years. You can buy the fresh and vitamin-rich products in the farm store in Kaarst - or have them delivered to your home as a vegetable subscription. To make the range of products more varied, goods from neighboring farmers can also be packed into the organic crate on request - also in organic quality, of course.

Cover image: gpointstudio, freepik

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