Mike Litt on the podcast year 2021
How's it going, Düsseldorf?
Our podcast "Alle Rhein" for culture in times of Corona. What Mike Litt wants to know: How did the talk guests perceive the surreal times? What has changed for them? What projects are they working on now?
In episode 31, Mike talks about his guests from 2021.
In the second year of Corona, the movers and shakers of Düsseldorf's cultural scene have once again found creative ways to realize particularly brilliant projects. In eleven exciting interviews for our podcast, they told us how they made art and culture possible, sometimes under difficult conditions, but always with great enthusiasm. The great exhibition on the 100th birthday of the artist of the century Joseph Beuys (curated by Dr. Catherine Nichols, among others) inspired many people, as did the AR Biennale with digital sculptures initiated by Alain Bieber. And there were also new festivals in 2021, which can be expected to become fixed and celebrated dates in the cultural calendar of the city of Düsseldorf in the years to come. In this review, host Mike Litt remembers his guests and the special moments in his conversations with them.
Our host
Mike Litt was born in the US state of Virginia and lived in Bochum for many years. The globetrotter usually works in Cologne but lives with his family in the beautiful Düsseltal district of Düsseldorf. He is a radio presenter (1Live, WDR 2, DLF Nova), a DJ with Mayday festival experience and an author (‘The loneliest DJ in the world’). For our podcast, he holds fascinating conversations with other people from Düsseldorf’s cultural scene.
Cover: Julia Pohle; U. Erensmann / @uepress; Katja Illner; Albrecht Fuchs; Dr. Catherine Nichols; Petra W. Barathowa; Guido Schiefer; Thomas Stelzmann; Markus Luigs; Steve Antonin; Susanne Diesner
Mike Litt: © [email protected]
Music / Sound: Christian Moster / Mike Litt