An oasis of peace, in the midst of the station district. The Anmo Art/Cha by Motoko Dobashi and Anna Friedel is a combination of a teashop and an art gallery.
Friedel explains “In Asia, art and tea have always gone together”. “Painters, tea masters, poets and intellectuals went together to the mountains to drink tea and to exchange views on different topics.” The two women aim to establish this tradition in Düsseldorf too. Dobashi, who was already initiated in the secrets of the Sencha-do ceremony in her native Japan as a young woman, is happy to pass on this knowledge and has many teas on offer that would otherwise be difficult to find on the European continent. However, some time should be reserved for the art, which is exhibited in the adjoining gallery next door.
Bendemannstraße 18
40210 Düsseldorf